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Consequences of not washing pajamas for a long time

If the pajamas are not washed for a long time, the stratum corneum and grease that fall off will accumulate on the pajamas, and the risk of various diseases will increase.

1. Contact allergic diseases

Accumulation of oil and sweat can easily breed mites and fleas, which can cause dust mite dermatitis and papular urticaria after skin irritation.

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2. Infectious skin diseases

A dirty and greasy environment is conducive to the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.

Bacteria infect the hair follicles, which can cause folliculitis, and fungi infect the skin, which can cause tinea corporis (tinea corporis).

3. Urinary system diseases

After bacteria invade the urethra, it is easy to get urethritis. If not treated in time, bacteria can penetrate into the urethra and cause urinary system diseases such as cystitis.

4. Gynecological diseases

After a fungus infects the vagina, it can easily lead to candidal vaginitis.

Tips: Don’t use pajamas as home clothes

Generally speaking, home wear and pajamas should be separated. Don’t wear pajamas when doing housework, but house clothes. Pajamas are worn close to the body, and they should be dried in the sun or dryer after washing to fully sterilize them. Washing pajamas frequently can also help people avoid the invasion of bacteria, otherwise, the bacteria on the pajamas will easily cause diseases once they are spread. For example, when you change your pajamas and put on another piece of clothing, these bacteria will also follow other clothes; if a pajama is full of bacteria, during the washing process, the bacteria will also get into the clothes that are washed together.